The Rainbow of Truth

(If you came directly to this page, this website is devoted to the discovery of anti+truths, the negative side to truth. Anti+truths, are truths that are deceptive lies, a paradox, that reveals the polarization potential of even Truth.)
(The Light...The Rainbow of Truth..."Thinking in Color")

Cover ] [ Introduction ] [ Index ] [ Anti+truths & The Bible ] [ Jesus Christ The Light of the World
St. Anthony's Fire ] [ Anti+truths Polarize the World ] [ Health Care Truths ] [ Letters to the Editor The Faces of Feminism ] [ Positive Links
Welcome to one important question !
How many different colors toThe Truth ?
Positive Links from Around the World


The Catholic Community Forum



Christian Internet Directory


Real Women of Canada

"Spiritual Discoveries"
(not available at this time)

Cybergrace Christian Net

The Promise Keepers

Here is a reference search engine for alternative health treatments that may be of some use!

Robert Paul Reyes web page, and his on going search for truth.

"Truth is not like a diamond that you can show off in a ring of gold or silver. It is tenuous and mystical and rebellious; refusing to be confined to any borders or boxes. "

"While we are taught
that truth is truth and a lie is a lie,
we must learn
that the truth we know, speak read or write,
if it is merely part of a greater truth
may be a deceptive lie;
biblically "the light that deceives"
the fruit from the infinite tree of knowledge.....

a difference
in this world
is an inescapable truth....
a positve difference © 1997
in this world
The truth
we should strive for" ....
Caesar Joseph Benvenuto Anthony Squitti
*"He +(or She) who is without sin cast the First Stone."

(Below the same truth in different lights)

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In Italiano:
Siamo insegnati che la verità è la verità e una bugia è una bugia ma dobbiamo imparare che verità che parliamo colto o che scriviamo, se è soltanto la parte d'un' altra verità più grande può essere una bugia ingannevole; biblically la luce che inganna o la frutta dall' albero infinito di conoscenza.
Fare una differenza in questo mondo è una verità inevitabile, facente un positive+difference in questo mondo è la verità che dovremmo tentare d'ottenere.


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En Français:
On nous enseigne que la vérité est vérité et un mensonge est un mensonge mais nous devons apprendre que la vérité que nous parlons lu ou écrivons, si elle est simplement une partie d'une autre plus grande vérité peut être un mensonge trompeur; biblically la lumière qui trompe ou le fruit de l'arbre infini de la connaissance.
La fabrication d'une différence en ce monde est une vérité indéniable, faisant un positive+difference en ce monde est la vérité que nous devrions essayer d'obtenir.


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Auf Deutsch:
Wir werden unterrichtet, daß Wahrheit Wahrheit ist und eine Lüge eine Lüge ist, aber wir müssen erfahren, daß die Wahrheit, die wir gelesen sprechen oder schreiben, wenn sie bloß ist, kann der Teil einer grösseren Wahrheit eine trügerische Lüge sein; biblically das Licht, das betrügt oder die Frucht vom endlosen Baum des Wissens.
Bezüglich dieser Welt zu unterscheiden ist eine unvermeidliche Wahrheit und bildet ein positive+differnce in dieser Welt, ist die Wahrheit, die wir um uns bemühen sollten.


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Em Português:
Nós somos ensinados que a verdade é verdade e uma mentira é uma mentira, mas nós devemos aprender que a verdade que nós falamos lido ou escrevemos, se for meramente a parte de uma verdade mais grande pode ser uma mentira deceptive; biblically a luz que se ilude ou a fruta da árvore infinita do conhecimento.
Fazer uma diferença neste mundo é uma verdade inescapable, fazendo um positive+differnce neste mundo é a verdade que nós devemos strive para.

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En Español:
Nos enseñan que la verdad es verdad y una mentira es una mentira, pero debemos aprender que la verdad que hablamos leído o que escribimos, si está simplemente la parte de una mayor verdad puede ser una mentira engañosa; biblically la luz que engaña o la fruta del árbol infinito del conocimiento.
Diferenciar en este mundo es una verdad ineludible, haciendo un positive+differnce en este mundo es la verdad que debemos esforzarnos para.


Thanks for visiting . . . and may the positive force be with you . . . !



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Professors Mr. Barry Brophy, Sister Angela, Mrs. Rice, Miss Zorses, Sister Mary Arthur, Miss Bennett, Mrs. Ede


Professors Sister Sharon, Mr. OBrien, Mr. Bortlussi, Mr. Shack, Mr. Peal,


Professors Mr. Len Reid(Science), Mr. William McKrindle(Math), Mr. Tom Cava,
Mr. John Carter, Mrs. Laine(typing), Mr. Don Merritt, Mr. John Glenney,
Mrs. Joan Allan(French), Mr Page, Mr. John Cottendon, Mr. David Knight,
Mrs. Vivian Hay, Mr. Gary Kaukinen, Mr. T. Harry Smith(History),
Mr. Gregg Yurick(English), Mr. William Smith(Art), Mr. LaBelle, Mr. Johan Terpstra, Mr. Latimer, Mr. Sam DeMeo, Mr. David Nattress(Math), Mr. Gordon Elis,
Mr. Ross Chuchman (Physics), Mr. Brian Witfield, Mr. Lorne Zerabny,


"Ad augusta per angusta"

"Through Difficulties Leads the Path to the Highest"

Professors Mr. Art Hensel, Mr. Vicco Rocco, Mr. Doug Alexander, Mr. Philips,
Mr. Bonsor, Mr. Papadopolous, Mr. Parsons,

and others.....


Front Page Index Sec 1 Sec 2 Sec 3 Sec 4 Sec 5 Sec 6 Sec 7 Sec 8

Section 1- Anti+truths, Half-truths and The Bible
Section 2- Jesus Christ, The Light...The Rainbow of Truth
Section 3 - Saint Anthony's Fire
Section 4 - Anti+truths Polarizing Truths
Section 5 - Health Care Truths
Section 6 - Letters to the Editor: Truths, Half-truths and Lies
Section 7- The Faces of Feminism...The Good, The Bad, The Sick
Section 8 - The Light..The Rainbow of Truth Positive Links

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Your truths, comments, questions or suggestions are appreciated.


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This data file/document is the sole property of Caesar J. B. Squitti
It may not be altered or edited in any way.
It may be reproduced with permission only in its entirety for circulation as
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All reproductions of this data file and/or document must contain the copyright notice
(Copyright (C) 1997-8 Caesar J. B. Squitti and this Copyright/Reproduction Limitations notice.
This data file/document may not be used without the permission of Caesar Squitti for resale.