Annual 2006 Banquet Italian Cultural Centre
Baldino Aiello (Sentinel), John
Pino, John Nicoli,
Vince Fragale, (Mr. Hershey), Monsineur
Pat Stilla, Rev Lino Santi,
Italian Society of Port Arthur - Executive Circa 1960
Tom Cava - John Talarico - Buddy Cava - Ricarrdo Pupo
Casper Coggimiglio - John Potestio - Joe Baratta - Ray DelBianco - Adolfo Arnone - Tony Sdao
Mario Gini - Battista Barratta - Frank Jacino - Jim Conci - Frank Sabitini
Italian Society of Port Arthur - Executive 1996
Back Row left to right
Jerry Sottile
- John Mancuso - Tony Pucci - Nick DeAgazio
- John Pino - Caesar J. B. Squitti - Frank Benincasa - Peter Chiodo -
Ralph Mauro - Salvatore Vruno (THE SICILIAN) - Tony Andreachi - Tony Tarsitano - Peter Gallo - John Niccoli
Italian Society of Port Arthur - Executive 1998
Back Row left to right
Joe Nucci - John Pino - Ralph Mauro - Alex Aiello - Sam Sgromo
Front Row left to right
John Niccoli - Frank Benecasa - Benny Melchiorre President - Jerry Sottile - Carlo Benincasa
So you ask me, who are the 200? executive ?
Well most of the names are the same, merely the chairs are different...!